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ASRS in Japan

Automated Storage and Retrieval System in Japan.

A Technology of Future.

International Christian University (ICU)Library was installed a ASRS at Sept. 2000.
The ASRS is first model in Nippon Filing Co.
This Product name is "Auto Lib"
At present, when any organization in Japan plans to newly build a library,
They consider the installation of this system without fail.
Because of our success in this system, more than 15 libraries have installed the systemin the past few years.
More installation is expected in the near future.

Yuki NaganoChanging Library Buildings & Organization Automated Strage System in Japanese Libraries

About to ASRS in International Christian University Library.

・Capacity of 500,000 books
13,000 containers
40 books in each container 
・In/out control station 1 station
・Stacker cranes 4 units 
・Size of the Storage
5m(Height) 15m(width) 50m(length)
Now, 200,000 books are stored in ASRS.
Space still available is for 300,000 books.

Although ASRS is an expensive system….

Without ASRS (Traditional library)
Large scale building.
I.e., high cost for construction / maintenance
Stacks only: With no space for various functions
High cost in labor

With ASRS….
Small scale building. I.e. cost -saving
Computer laboratory suitable for an information-oriented society.
Digital library, I.e., labor-saving

ASRS Space-saving Technology 1
Free Location Storage by Size
- Small size books → small size containers
- Medium size books → medium size containers
- Large size books → large size containers
- Extra large size books will not be put into a container.

ASRS Space-saving Technology 2
Double-container system
One stacker crane takes two bookstacks on each side

The Merits of ASRS are
Significantly improved services for users in real time.
Large labor cost saving
Enhanced book management level
Remarkable space-saving by
"Free Location Storage by Size"
"Double Container System"

ICU Library ASRS Concepts
All books should be accessible
by anyone,
at anytime.
That is, the same service level with the Open Stack System.

From Web-OPAC to ASRS
1. The book can be picked up two minutes after the request is made.
2. The book will be placed on a mini-shelf.
3. User has free access to the book.

Speedy system.
Pick up time 2min.
Books are random input and ramdom pick-up.

Nippon Filing co. Product name is "Auto Lib" , "Auto Lib Mini"

1 Sep., 2000 International Christian University Library (ICU) 500,000Books
2 Apr.,2001 Chiba City Central Library 400,000Books
3 May, 2002 Kyoto Prefectural Library 400,000Books
4 Apr.,2003 Aoyama Gakuin University Library(Sagamihara Campus) 500,000Books
5 Sep.,2003 Daito Bunka University Library 200,000Books
6 Apr.,2004 Takaoka City Central Library 150,000Books
7 Apr.,2004 Ritsumeikan University Library 350,000Books
8 Apr.,2004 Kyushu University Library (Chikushi Bunkan) 60,000Books
9 May, 2004 Yuki Library (Yuki City Library) 120.000Books
10 Sep.,2004 Okayama Prefectural Library 420,000Books
11 Aug.,2004 Nishihara-City Library 140,000Books
12 Oct.,2004 Kuwana-City Library 160,000Books
13 Aug.,2004 Nara-City Library (Nouth Branch) 20,000Books
14 Feb.,2005 Tokyo University (Kashiwa Campus) 500,000Books
15 Summer,2005 New Nara Prefectural Library 1,000,000Books
16 Spring,2006 Iwate Prefectural Library 400,000Books




Daifuku Co.

Toyokawa-City Library 300,000Books

National Diet Library (Kansai-Kan) 2,000,000Books

Kongo Co.   Product Name Book-Robo

1 ,2001 Waseda University 500,000Books

Kanazawa University

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